Wednesday 20 June 2012

Review: Insurgent by Veronica Roth

Title: Insurgent
Author: Veronica Roth
Series: Divergent #2
Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars

525 pages
Published May 1st by HarperTeen
Review may contain spoilers for the previous books in the series

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Just as awesome as the first book.

As you might remember, I was completely at loss for words after reading Divergent. That book was just perfect for me. I had high expectations of Insurgent, and fear that it would all blow up in my face. I'm glad it didn't.

Insurgent begins where Divergent ended. Here is one of the only annoyance I experienced when reading the book - I had no clue who all the characters were again. It's been months since I read book one, and I'm not that good with remembering names. There was no recapping at all. I know I will be very glad of this when I read them back to back, but since it had such a gap between reads I had troubles getting straight who was who.

But after that, oh boy. The world Tris knows is falling to pieces. Factions are split, broken up, fight from within. There are more and more Divergent showing up. And of course, in the final pages, the proverbial shit is hitting the fan.

In this book Tris and Four have some relationship troubles. They are completely logical and life-like, but I don't want my favourite book couple to have relationship troubles. I was a bit scared Ms Roth was going to break them up - but I'm glad she found a way to make them work things out in a believable way.

Maybe this series isn't the best series out there. Insurgent might not be the best book in the series. All I know is that I read the damn thing in two days, and that I absolutely cannot wait for the next one.


One choice can transform you—or it can destroy you. But every choice has consequences, and as unrest surges in the factions all around her, Tris Prior must continue trying to save those she loves—and herself—while grappling with haunting questions of grief and forgiveness, identity and loyalty, politics and love.

Tris's initiation day should have been marked by celebration and victory with her chosen faction; instead, the day ended with unspeakable horrors. War now looms as conflict between the factions and their ideologies grows. And in times of war, sides must be chosen, secrets will emerge, and choices will become even more irrevocable—and even more powerful. Transformed by her own decisions but also by haunting grief and guilt, radical new discoveries, and shifting relationships, Tris must fully embrace her Divergence, even if she does not know what she may lose by doing so.

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DonnasReviews said...

Great review hun. This is one of my favourite reads this year and I can't wait for more. 

Andrea M said...

I only just finished reading Divergent! I need to read this one now. I am so excited, there is so much talk about how great this is. This is definitely an amazing series!

Ashelynn Hetland said...

I had the same problem--couldn't remember for the life of me who was who besides Tris and Four. Definitely know now to read Divergent and Insurgent before book three comes out! 

great review!

Ashley Prince said...

I cannot wait to read this! I am trying to wait until it comes out in paperback since I bought the first in paper. I like my series to match.

Ashley Evans said...

Great review!!  It's only been a few weeks since I read Divergent and Insurgent is next on my TBR list so hopefully I'm not lost at the beginning of the book!  Definitely can't wait to read it.  I hope I love it as much as you did! (But I'm sure I will.)

Linny @ Linnys Literature said...

Okay, I didn't read your review because I still haven't read Divergent and I don't want it to give anything away for me. God, I want to read Divergent though! But you know how it is, request too many books and pile up too many freebies and then you feel bad to go buy and read the books you really want to. Bleck.

I did peak at the last part of your review. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it so much! :D

Celine said...

Thanks Donna (: Argh, why do we have to wait another year

Celine said...

It's fast evolving into one of my favourite series of all time :D If you liked Divergent, I think you will find Insurgent to be great too

Celine said...

Haha exactly.. Or maybe I should make a cheat sheet with names & their relationships with each other. I'm sure I'll forget all about Four's mom in a year xD

Celine said...

I wanted to wait for paperback first too.. But then I thought, to hell with that and bought it anyway :D

Celine said...

Thanks Ashley! If it's only been a few weeks I don't think you'll have any problems with getting into it. It had been months for me, and I forgot all the secondary character's names, even the name of Tris's brother. Enjoy it! :D

Celine said...

Actually I don't think there are any spoilers in this review... I just put the warning up just in case :D

Read it read it read it! These books are amazing. Review books can wait! *sadly eyes the massive stack of review books she neglected*

Linny @ Linnys Literature said...

Okay, you've convinced me! I did promise myself to finish the less-than-great review book I'm reading now and then one more.. but after that I'm going too! For real this time. I deserve it.

Celine said...

You definitely deserve to read something YOU want to read! Don't want you to get blogging burnout (: Plus, I'd love to hear what you think

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